My grandparents took us camping

by Donna
(Reform, Alabama)

When I was a little girl, my grandparents took us three kids camping. We went in a tent and camped in the back yard.

We had a campfire and everything. I look back on it and have the fondest of memories. We roasted marshmallows and had hot chocolate.

My granddaddy would read from the Bible about creation and we would scout around and find all the different crawly creatures we could find, which included worms, caterpillars, rollie-pollies, grubs and lizards.

We collected lightening bugs in a jar for nightlights. What a wonderful time we had. I wish I could replicate that with my grandkids, but due to health related issues, I can't.

Thanks, grandmother and granddaddy for giving me something I will treasure forever. I do talk about it with my grandkids and try to pass on the importance of family time and making memories.

Thank you for such a wonderful website that sparks the love for camping. This is truly a remarkable site and I love your entheusiasm and encouragement.

God bless you and your family.

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